Carroll CSD

Carroll CSD Family,

We are dealing with our first winter weather event of the year!  I want to take a moment and remind our community, parents, and students about our weather procedures.  We all know winters in Iowa can be challenging and while we have enjoyed a mild start to winter, we all know that can change.

With today’s modern technology weather forecasts are more available and the accuracy has gotten better even though snow totals are still hard to predict.  Therefore, if the forecast calls for any type of winter weather (snow, ice, wintery mix, blowing snow, etc) myself along with several other staff members in the district are on high alert.  We rely pretty heavily on the National Weather Service ( for most of our information regarding weather conditions.

If the forecast calls for winter weather, I am usually up by 4:30 a.m. to check roads along with our transportation director.  Carroll is a fairly large district geographically and conditions can be different in the south part of our district compared to the north.  We do not travel every road, but we do get a sense of the road conditions throughout the school district.  Starting around 5:30, I am busy texting and calling area superintendents to get more information about the conditions of the roads in their school districts.  We try to make a decision by 6:00 a.m.

Once a decision is made, I communicate with our staff, with the Kuemper and Ar-We-Va administration and we notify the media.  You can see below which media outlets that we send our weather related announcements to.  

I hope this information helps inform you and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Casey Berlau, Ed.D


Weather-Related Updates:

Radio - Carroll Broadcasting - KCIM/KKRL and KIKD

TV - KCCI - channel 8, WHO - channel 13, WOI - channel 5 

Social Media - Facebook and Twitter

School Notification - text/phone/mobile notification through Infinite Campus

Emergency bus route/hard surface only route information Alternate Bus Routes - 2023-24.docx